
Let's Innovate together!

If you are passionate about your work, if you feel that your solutions can change the life of people, if you feel that you have the creativity and zeal to connect with millions of end-users with your client's products and services, then you are most welcome to join us and innovate.

Join our Team

Why work @ Phoenix

Constant growth & learning, freedom to experiment and fail, bully-free safe environment are some of the key factors why candidates prefer to choose Phoenix over other options.


Awarded Dream Company to work for

In the year 2019, Phoenix was awarded Dream Company to Work for - because of the pay structure, facilities and conducive environment it provides to its employees.

Constant Growth

If you are someone who does not like to settle in a comfort zone, and love to accept new challenges, Phoenix is the place to be.

Safe & Progressive Environment

Overall company culture is bully-free, safe and neat, with constant focus on retaining human values, learning, innovation & growth.

Freedom to Experiment

You always have a free hand to experiment, yet fail. With more focus on R&D, we know what it takes to be a great innovator.


Current Openings

We're always looking for great folks to join us on our mission. If you want to be a part of our story, apply today.


Have any question about us?

Don't hesitate to contact us

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